La Di Da
It's been a frustrating week and a half. Can you all believe mid-terms are next week already?! Anyway, I think I can safely (hopefully) speak for some of us when I say I'm having trouble pinning down the direction and content of the final project. Does anyone else feel like he/she should be further along in this project? I sure do. Sure, I've got some ideas but it comes down to what I can handle with my limited experience with computers, cameras, recorders, and basically anything that goes "tuk, tuk, zim, zim, whir, whir". I want to create a website, an interactive one, with links on a train map that'll lead to information or video on a station or street. Sounds easy right? But I'm the type of guy that needs to label a remote control so I know which way to point it! If ANYONE has spare time and can help me out building a site I will gladly buy a couple rounds or some equivalent, you name it. Either way, muy gracioso to anyone who can lend a hand. I need help with small stuff (how to manipulate graphics on an existing image) to bigger things like making a decent front page, animation, sound, whatever.
In other news, word up! to all the presentations yesterday. Everyone's got really cool projects underway. If all goes well, we're gonna blow 'em away at the exhibit. Even though everyone had interesting presentations and conclusions to their projects, I was especially impressed with Mariko's VJ style interview in the shotengai; complete with BGM, fades, and her unique personality. Way to go! For some of us, myself included!, I think we did a good job "pulling it off" if you know what I mean. . .