Transplanting Reading
John Berger's "The Sense of Sight" exerpts were inspiring. I wish I could write with so much attention. I would fail to serve the orginal taste of my experience to readers of this so I will quote his line that says it all "The act of writing is nothing except the act of approaching the experience written about; just as, hopefully, the act of reading the written text is a comparable act of approach". In "The Storyteller" exists the frame of a great researcher. One that I hope to nab a fraction of ability from by the end of this semester. The reading woke me in a sense. The rest of the short observations in the hand out were instrumental in displaying a clear view from the writer's eyes. There are too many quotes so I'll just pick two that I really felt, "The men stand further back as though the degree of proximity were inversely related to the degree of scepticism", "Such a view is archetypal. It is the antithesis of a view of the grave".