Friday, September 08, 2006

Sweet Home. . . Niigata

What an incredible presentation by Atsushi Ogata that was today. Not only is he worldy in his knowledge of media and the arts but wordy as well. He basically gave a lecture the entire length of the tape without a break. And very engaging to boot. I've never been so inspired in such a short length of time to get off my rump and voyage to a chunk of this planet than after seeing the beauty of the Japanese countryside backdropped in Atsushi-san's documentary. The discovery of the heart the locals poured into the urban art invasion, despite it being what I imagine to be the same as the mothership landing, swept me away and created a strong desire to get to know more people like those folks of Echigo-Tsumari. If I'm not still taking any of the endless amount of required core classes by then, I'll be sure to visit in '09!!


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